MindSpaces: Art-driven Adaptive Indoors and Outdoors Design
H2020 EU project

The central objective of MindSpaces is to create the tools and develop the solutions for adaptive and inclusive spaces that dynamically adapt to emotional, aesthetical and societal responses of end users, creating functionally and emotionally appealing architectural design.

Artists and technology experts closely collaborate to propose innovative designs that address societal challenges faced by cities as they expand, and the evolving needs in functionality and emotional resonance of modern day workplace and housing interiors.

State-of-the-Art (SoA) multisensing technology, such as wearable EEG, physiological sensing, visual analysis, social media inputs, will be integrated for the immediate assessment of innate user responses to the MindSpaces installations, and artistic adaptation of the designs accordingly

Dem@Care: Dementia Ambient Care Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent Remote Management and Decision Support
FP7 EU project

Dem@Care aspires to contribute to the timely diagnosis, assessment, maintenance and promotion of self-independence of people with dementia, by deepening the understanding of how the disease affects their everyday life and behaviour. It implements a multi-parametric closed-loop remote management solution that affords adaptive feedback to the person with dementia, while at the same time including clinicians into the remote follow-up, enabling them to maintain a comprehensive view of the health status and progress of the affected person.

The system includes: a loop for people with dementia and their informal caregivers to monitor and assess their cognitive and behavioural status by integrating a multiplicity of wearable and in-situ sensors, enable time evolving context-sensitive profiling to support reactive and proactive care, and afford personalised and adaptive feedback. a loop for dementia clinicians to provide objective observations regarding the health progression of the person with dementia and medication effectiveness, warn about trends closely related to dementia (e.g. apathy), and support preventive care decision making and adjustment of treatment recommendations.